at ESA

Thinking in new ways about what and how we learn

ESA is a ‘creativity’ school. We have given a lot of thought to what that means, not just for what we teach and learn but also for how we teach and learn. We have considered a lot of research and also worked with our partners across the creative industries. This page is intended to unpack our curriculum model. If you are looking for details of all our individual subjects, then click on ‘Prospectus’ and the top of this page. If you are interested in the thinking behind our curriculum and how we have built our offer, then please read on.

ESA Curriculum [part one]

WHY matters most

Simon Sinek has done some work into why you should always start with ‘WHY’. ‘Why’ is the cause, the purpose, the underlying belief that sits as the foundation of our curriculum intent. Only when you have your ‘WHY’ does the how and what become exciting. So that’s how we started:

THE ‘WHY’ (intent):
We believe in imagineering;  Beautiful ideas and inspiring productions. Soulful, cultured, creative, professional individuals collaborating and making together with identity and purpose.

THE ‘HOW’ (implementation):
Specialist creative arts curriculum and carefully sequenced high quality core offer. Cultural learning, projects, partnerships, work placements and industry experience. Employer engagements, practical skills training with industry kit and facilities. A professional focus, relational model, engaging, caring teaching, personalised learning and a 7Cs character curriculum.

THE ‘WHAT’ (impact):
Creative, confident contributors to our world with a sense of purpose and community - employable creatives with Commitment to their craft, capable of great results with the technical skills and imaginative magic to be economically secure.  Relational, strong moral characters with the reflective, interpretative and resilient integrity to be happy and resourceful to others.

ESA Curriculum [part two]

Split Screen learning

Part of implementing our ambitious curriculum was embracing the challenge of achieving at least 2 things at once. We know that knowledge and skill is crucial to our learners if they are to be capable in the creative work place. But our employer partners were telling us that there is something that matters more. First and foremost, the creative sector needs reliable, reflective and resilient characters. They need young people with integrity and confidence, compassion and commitment. Once young people are safe and courageous, then it’s worth giving them the know-how and technical skill, but a person’s quality of character matters most.

So, we came up with our ‘Split Screen’ curriculum focus. At ESA, we want to be supporting all our young people to develop self insight so that they can become empowered characters at the same time as imparting the knowledge and skills to be excellent professional practitioners. So we have a character curriculum and a content curriculum working side by side in and outside the classroom.

The first ‘screen’ of our Split Screen Curriculum is all about character education. This is where we focus on the traits of character and the habits of mind that produce people of integrity. We built on the work of Guy Claxton and Bill Lucas [‘Educating Ruby’, 2015] and their exploration of the 7Cs of character. Sometimes schools can overly prioritise assessments and the grades that students achieve. While this matters very much, there will always be some learners forced to become failures by an assessment system. When you’re watching the ‘character screen’ - everyone can grow, develop and succeed.

On the other screen, we simultaneously focus on the subjects and courses which students choose to study. We work with our learners to make sure that they make good progress and achieve excellent results so they have the knowledge and skills to be successful in their creative work or further study.

The 7Cs of Character

ESA Curriculum [part three]

The 7Cs are planned into all our lessons and they are also in all our clubs and productions and industry projects. Students also get special recognition for 7C attributes which then help us identify student leaders and then to select our prefects and mentors!

At ESA we believe that CREATIVITY starts with inspiration sparking imaginative ideas, which are then built from concept to production, with energy and determination, solving problems to convey vision and purpose, leading to original, diverse and engaging outcomes.

At ESA we believe CURIOSITY is shown by trying new things and learning from those around you, enquiring with purpose, exploring complexity and investigating with focus and independence, finding solutions and solving problems with enthusiasm and vigour.

At ESA we believe CONFIDENCE starts with a positive, proactive outlook and builds a self respect and inner peace allowing for personal capacity growth exemplified in meaningful creative products and the ability to present, lead and facilitate others

At ESA, COMPASSION is an underlying principle in our educational purpose. COMPASSION reflects a concern for others, an empathy and sensitivity to the needs of others, which is generous and forgiving. It is tolerant, friendly and reassuring and contributes to effective, creative environments and outcomes.

At ESA we believe COMMITMENT reflects a character that independently sets goals and plans for success by being organised and systematic in their creative process. This is supported by being resilient and hard working and faithful, willing to go the extra mile to see tasks through to completion.

At ESA we believe COMMUNICATION is about generosity of listening and participating in discussions and debates through inclusive groups, developing ideas and conveying vision with excellent Literacy and Oracy skills. The best COMMUNICATION allows for connection and collaboration leading to the very best of outcomes.

At ESA we believe that CRAFTSHIP is illustrated by diligent, dedicated, careful skilled work developed through practice and continual improvements of skills with the aim of developing mastery in one's craft and striving for perfection in products made.

ESA Curriculum [part four]

Courses and Content