Key Stage 4

Welcome to our KS4 Course Options. If you’re applying for Year 10, please take the time to familiarise yourself with the option blocks and our curriculum pipelines. If you’ve already chosen your options you can jump to the application by clicking the button below:

KS4: Option Blocks

At ESA, we have developed an innovative level 2 creative arts curriculum designed to provide a solid foundation suitable for work in the culture industries.  All key stage 4 students will study English, maths, science and PE each week. In addition, students choose their specialist industry option. This is a large Level 2 UAL equivalent to 4 GCSEs. Students then choose 2 more creative subjects. Throughout key stage 4, students will also receive training, education, careers advice and guidance in PSHE and RE (including relationships, sex education and fundamental social values). 

ESA Creative Fundamentals
English, Maths and Science


ESA Creative Technicals
Specialist L2 Extended Arts Diplomas

You must choose ONE
Creative Technical Specialism

ESA Creative Freedoms
Additional Specialist Arts Options

Choose 2 further options
You must choose 1 from each block below

Physical Education will take place for 1 hour per week.
PSHE, RSE, RE/SMSC are provided throughout the year through our ‘We Are ESA’ curriculum including tutor time, assemblies and ‘experience days’. 


So you’ve picked your options and you’re ready to apply. Let’s get you signed up: