Data Notice Consent Statement for Parents & Students
The UK GDPR is clear that an indication of consent must be unambiguous and involve a clear affirmative action (an opt-in). It specifically bans pre-ticked opt-in boxes. This is why we have chosen to contact you with information about how we share your data with third parties our use as a school.
Don’t worry, we do not share your information with any organisation that is not directly relevant and intrinsic to our work with you as part of our learning community. Now that the UK GDPR is in place and we have contacted all of the following companies to ensure compliance, we are ready to request consent and more importantly inform you of how your data is used.
The following list provides you with information about the companies we currently use to support our work. We have information from each company indicating how they work within UK GDPR compliance, how information they receive is used, what is passed on, collected and held securely with UK based cloud systems. We consider most of these to be essential to fulfil our duties as a modern education establishment.
Arbor MIS system - Essential
This is the centralised database that holds all of our data securely on site
Part of this needs consent due to enabling Arbor to email you updates and notices from college and access to our cloud based parent app that was activated in September 2022.
This MIS system also enables us to lawfully provide school census information with the Dfe as required by law.
Exam Boards - Essential
To gain the required qualifications for courses we use a wide range of examination boards, these all require detailed and accurate information including some sensitive data about learning needs. At present these include: AQA, EDEXCEL/Pearson, Eduqas, UAL and OCR.
Google Workspace for Education - Essential
You are no doubt aware that we use the Google environment to make cloud based work and access to google classroom possible. Most of the work students and staff produce is stored on Google servers. As a third party we need to make you explicitly aware that using these tools means we share information with these third party servers.
CPOMS - Essential
CPOMS is an application for monitoring child protection, safeguarding and a whole range of pastoral and welfare issues. Using CPOMS, schools can ensure that students are safe and fully supported. This system is used widely by schools and helps us to maintain accurate and minimised information.
School Cloud systems (Parents evening app for booking) Non-Essential
We use this service to organise our Parent Consultation Evenings. This enables us to coordinate the parent evening appointments with clear timetabled slots and avoids cross bookings and to stay in contact with messages where appointment times are difficult.
Parent Pay - Essential
We use this service to provide our cashless catering system. It is the system we use to hold the accounts, personal details relating to parent and student links are shared to enable automated connection of accounts and till points.
Sparx Maths - Non-Essential
This is a personalised maths homework curriculum that is intelligently sequenced for Key Stage 4 students. This system holds personal details relating to parent and student links are shared to enable automated connection of accounts.
Compass + - Essential
The Compass+ digital tool is designed for use by our School’s Careers Leader and their approved users, who have designated responsibility for planning, reviewing, and improving careers provision at school and student levels.
It enables our school to track Gatsby Benchmark attainment at an individual student level within Compass+, some student information is pulled from our school’s Management Information System (MIS) via a third-party integration platform. Our MIS is Arbor; the data set is pulled from our MIS, and our school is in control of the flow of data between our MIS and the third-party platform
Mote - Non-Essential
Mote enables students and staff to use their voice to level up learning; faster and more effective feedback using voice messaging. This system pulls student school email addresses and links to the Google Classroom.
It is vital that we receive consent to share your information at our discretion with these companies. These are not new services and this action enables us to continue to provide good communication with you and a high level of safeguarding for you and the students in our care.
Consent will be gathered in your Student Application Pack when enrolling. Failure to actively consent will require further contact from us to gain consent. If you have an issue with providing consent please get in contact so we can resolve concerns.
Data Notice Consent Statement
for Staff
The UK GDPR is clear that an indication of consent must be unambiguous and involve a clear affirmative action (an opt-in). It specifically bans pre-ticked opt-in boxes. This is why we have chosen to contact you with information about how we share your data with third parties our use as a school.
Don’t worry, we do not share your information with any organisation that is not directly relevant and intrinsic to our work with you as part of our learning community. Now that the UK GDPR is in place and we have contacted all of the following companies to ensure compliance, we are ready to request consent and more importantly inform you of how your data is used.
The following list provides you with information about the companies we currently use to support our work. We have information from each company indicating how they work within UK GDPR compliance, how information they receive is used, what is passed on, collected and held securely with UK based cloud systems. We consider most of these to be essential to fulfil our duties as a modern education establishment.
Arbor MIS system - Essential
This is the centralised database that holds all of our data securely on site
Part of this needs consent due to enabling Arbor to email you updates and notices from college and access to our cloud based parent app that was activated in September 2022.
This MIS system also enables us to lawfully provide school census information with the Dfe as required by law.
Exam Boards - Essential
To gain the required qualifications for courses we use a wide range of examination boards, these all require detailed and accurate information including some sensitive data about learning needs. At present these include: AQA, EDEXCEL/Pearson, Eduqas, UAL and OCR.
Google Workspace for Education - Essential
You are no doubt aware that we use the Google environment to make cloud based work and access to google classroom possible. Most of the work students and staff produce is stored on Google servers. As a third party we need to make you explicitly aware that using these tools means we share information in these third party servers.
CPOMS - Essential
CPOMS is an application for monitoring child protection, safeguarding and a whole range of pastoral and welfare issues. Using CPOMS, schools can ensure that students are safe and fully supported. This system is used widely by schools and helps us to maintain accurate and minimised information.
School Cloud systems (Parents evening app for booking) - Non-Essential
We use this service to organise our Parent Consultation Evenings. This enables us to coordinate the parent evening appointments with clear timetabled slots and avoids cross bookings and to stay in contact with messages where appointment times are difficult.
Access People - Essential
We use this for booking holidays and time off for staff, it manages training, day absences, medical appointments and more. Staff use the system to book time off. Human Resources also use this system to store staff contract data.
Parent Pay - Essential
We use this service to provide our cashless catering system. It is the system we use to hold the accounts, personal details relating to parent and student links are shared to enable automated connection of accounts and till points.
Sparx Maths - Non-Essential
This is a personalised maths homework curriculum that is intelligently sequenced for Key Stage 4 students. This system holds personal details relating to parent and student links are shared to enable automated connection of accounts
Compass + - Essential
The Compass+ digital tool is designed for use by our School’s Careers Leader and their approved users, who have designated responsibility for planning, reviewing, and improving careers provision at school and student levels.
It enables our school to track Gatsby Benchmark attainment at an individual student level within Compass+, some student information is pulled from our school’s Management Information System (MIS) via a third-party integration platform. Our MIS is Arbor; the data set is pulled from our MIS, and our school is in control of the flow of data between our MIS and the third-party platform
Mote - Non-Essential
Mote enables students and staff to use their voice to level up learning; faster and more effective feedback using voice messaging. This system pulls student school email addresses and links to the Google Classroom.
It is vital that we receive consent to share your information at our discretion with these companies. These are not new services and this action enables us to continue to provide good communication with you and a high level of safeguarding for you and the students in our care.
Consent will be collected during your employee enrolment. Failure to actively consent will require further contact from us to gain consent. If you have an issue with providing consent please get in contact so we can resolve concerns.
Student Imagery and Content Agreement
Duration of Agreement
This consent agreement will remain valid for the duration of your/your child’s time at Elstree Screen Arts Academy and the following three years after your/your child’s departure. After this time, we will destroy any materials we have pertaining to this agreement.
Benefits to Students
Allows the documentation and evidencing of coursework - mandatory for certain subjects
Showcases student artwork and imagery when actioning marketing campaigns for shows and events
Allows the college to celebrate student achievements and progress using event photography
Supports industry study by providing professional guests and lecturers to FaceTime or Skype our students on-site
Occasionally we take photographs and video of the students at our school. These images are used in the following contexts:
On the school database for staff recognition purposes
Recorded shows and performances for exam moderation and evidence
Recorded shows and performances for online distribution on Vimeo and YouTube
Marketing of shows and events (including programme design)
Printed school prospectus
Online school prospectus
In printed publications such as newsletters and leaflets
In school displays
On our school website
In external marketing banners and posters through distributers such as JC Decaux and Exterion
Video or webcam recordings for social media
School to school conferences and school to industry links
Social media focused paid-for advertising on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
Social media promotion on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
We also send images to the news media, or our school may be visited by the media who will take their own photographs or film footage, especially if we have a high-profile visit. The news media may use the images in printed publications, including local and national newspapers, hardcopies and online, on television reports and programmes. They then store them in their archive. They may also syndicate the photos to other media for possible use, either in printed publications, on websites or both. When we submit photographs and information to the media, we have no control of when, where, if or how they may be used.
We use a large amount of student artwork in promotional contexts such as school marketing in paid-for social media posts, open-to-public college shows and external posters and banners. By agreeing to our ‘content-usage’ agreement below, you relinquish ownership of any artwork you create whilst you are a student at Elstree Screen Arts Academy to the school. This includes coursework, photographic materials, videos, print work and any content produced whilst working on a project for ‘Elstree Screen Arts Academy Productions / ESA Productions’. We may, from time-to-time, use student work in marketing efforts and promotional advertising.
Any content owned by Elstree Screen Arts Academy will automatically have the Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This means that anyone is free to: share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format under the following terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. Non-Commercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. No Derivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. For further information please visit:
To comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, we need to secure your permission before we can photograph or make any recordings of you/your child or use any of your students work for marketing materials.
Condition of Use
This agreement will remain valid until three years after the student-signee has left the school. We may use the image of your child for marketing purposes after the student has left the college. Please write to the school if you wish to withdraw consent at any time. We cannot retract marketing materials or campaigns which have already been published. After three years have passed following the student’s departure, we will destroy all images of and work belonging to the student (unless an alternative agreement has been negotiated and agreed).
The images we take will be of activities that show the school and students in a positive light.
Embarrassing or distressing images will not be used. The images will not be associated with negative or sensitive issues.
We may use group or class photographs or footage with very general labels e.g. ‘Science lesson’.
We will only use images of students who are suitably dressed.
We will make every effort to ensure that we do not allow images to be taken of any students for whom we do not have permission or who are ‘at risk’ or disallowed from having their photographs taken for legal or social reasons
We will take all reasonable measure to ensure the images are used solely for the purposes for which they are intended. However, we cannot guarantee this and take no responsibility for the way images are used by other websites or publishers or for any consequences arising from publication.
Please note that websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom where UK law applies. In giving your consent you understand that images may be used in printed and electronic form.
You retain the right to access (article 15 – GDPR): “Individuals have the right to access their personal data (photos) on request, and receive confirmation regarding how these are being used”. Please submit a Data Subject Access Form (available from the school office) in order to attain any information, imagery or work we have which belongs to you. We will comply within 30 days of receiving the request.
You retain the right to erasure (article 17 – GDPR): “Individuals have the right to access their personal data (photos) on request, and receive confirmation regarding how these are being used”. If you wish to have your data destroyed, please contact the school office. We will comply within 30 days.
Privacy Notices
Please click on the links below to download the relevant Privacy Notices.