ESA Community Trust
We are committed to maintaining and building on the high standards that ESA strives for, but the state secondary educational system is under considerable financial pressure. Knowing this, parents often ask how they can give financial support during their child’s time at the school.
A few parents have gotten together to set up the ESA Community Trust for this purpose, which is registered with and regulated by the Charity Commission. The purpose of the Community Trust is to enhance your child’s educational experience whilst at ESA by funding additional resources which provide further opportunities for your child.
Parental support of the Community Trust is critical to the continued provision of these extra resources that help to set ESA apart from other schools. We are very grateful to our generous parents who donate in some way during their child’s time at the school.
Even a small contribution can achieve big things for our children. We are a community of 420 families - if each family contributed £5 per month we would be able to raise £2,100 per month or £25,200 per year!!
Donations can be made by filling out the form on this page and setting up a standing order with your bank or building society. Please also sign up for gift aid (we can reclaim 25p tax on every £1 donation made.
Since the ESA Community Trust was established in 2019 over £10,500 has been raised, and the school is very grateful for the contributions and support received from the parent body. The money raised has been spent on many fantastic resources across the school including the projects below.
Success Stories
P.E. Equipment
In 2020 we were able to donate to the PE Department to supply basketball hoops, football posts and rugby balls for the new outside PE space, as well as tumbling track, gymnastics mats and indoor fitness equipment.
Forensic Science Investigation
The Science Department received a grant to buy specific equipment for the Forensic Science course to enable a cross-curricula unit involving the Forensic Science course, Production Tech course and film/media students to create a crime scene using real-life equipment and resources.
‘A massive thank you for the help and support in making the Year 13 Forensic Science assessment really hands-on and engaging, the students all had an opportunity to secure the scene, analyse the contents and collect all of the evidence they are now analysing the evidence for their reports.’ Head of Science
Committee Members
Ian Sloane
Chair and Secretary
Julia Sanderson
Lauren Christy
We are always looking for passionate parents who want to support us, if you are interested in joining the trust please contact
The Objects of the CIO
We have been founded to advance the education of the pupils at ESA by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities not required to be provided by the local education authority for education at the school.
Please find other ESA Community Trust documents here: