ESA Reads
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.”
Read to succeed!
Reading is important if targeting academic success, this cannot be argued. However, reading does a lot more than that. At ESA we have embedded ESA Reads within all subject areas and built a reading resource centre that is accessible to all. Reading and storytelling is at the heart of creativity and important for every student and member of staff. It also connects people from all backgrounds and experiences and lays foundations for life.
The Magic of 15!
At ESA we promote The Magic of 15mins reading a day which promotes mental health, reduces anxiety and improves creativity, among other things. Research has found this commitment impacts life well beyond the classroom, even increasing life expectancy! Reading from a range of texts and sources is encouraged; newspapers, fiction, non-fiction, alongside texts and stories from a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences.
ESA Reads
Each subject provides access and guidance for reading and engaging with texts in their specialised area. This could include articles, critical reviews and essays, but also we encourage a reading of Art, Film and all creative products. The awareness of intent and purpose and the relationship between creator and receiver is essential within creative industries and this mindset is important throughout the school and illustrated across creative specialisms. This directly links to our 7C character curriculum, making connections between people and directly influencing Creativity, Communication and Confidence.
“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”